Affection will sacrifice itself
in a world of hurry--to swim
here is murder; a lover's
breath--the quickness of
If you trust, you will sink
like winter hope, drown into
soil, to night, to nothing.
Where warmth will not drape
duplicity, and broad are the
trees that have fallen
in the hours.
Left behind are justifications
in mid-light, split between
moon and sun, blackened into
belief, lost in the days.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lost in the Days
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3:13 PM
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May all your days end like this. May all the beautiful smiles you have collected through-out the day, gently kiss your cheek as you prepare yourself for slumber. May you close your eyes with the knowledge that you have kissed someone's heart in some way. And perhaps it will be a gesture that they, in return, do to another, and so on.
Until the entire world has such a sweet smile, planted perfectly upon the heart.
Babbled by
7:54 AM
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In Retrospect
I took this image on the day of my sister's funeral. There are no words to describe the feeling. I was thinking of her just now, and I figure this image represents the mood quite well. I do not feel sad today. Today and each new day, I will only celebrate her beauty and life on this earth as one of the world's most perfect angels. May she be in peace. xo
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7:29 AM
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Well, another month almost come and gone. I must say, this month was a bit odd; so moody and feeling terribly ugly inside, with such moods. I have worked on so many images this month, though. I feel so inspired. I find that I am attracted to b&w fotos more than color. I cannot explain why, but I think it is because it leaves more to interpret. Life is much too easy in color. To quote my friend Terri, "You are the only one that paints the picture of the world you see out there. No one else would be able to."
Today is a calm day. I am home. I have been preparing for an exam and chasing thoughts in my mind. I smile in this moment, because I think back at all the birthday wishes, comments, messages, email, cards, smiles, hugs, and friendships that burst from my eyes. I adore so many people. I have such beautiful friends,...princes and princesses that will live in my heart forever.
I adore you, Victor, Dawn, Martin, Lorenzo, Nicola, Matt, Carsten, See-saw, Anthony, Billy, Jim, Jojo, Jen, Andrea, Don, Mark, Patrick, Sherri, Harmony, Franie, Antonio, Char, Anthony, David, Massimo, Terri, Michael, Giuseppe, Gisela, Rose (ill at the moment xo), Tom, Rob, Gary, Shiela, Chris, Simo, Scott, Gio, Mary, Agus, Alex, and more.
I am sure I have forgotten some people. Just know, if I have told you how precious you are to me, you are on my heart's list,...does not matter here in this post. You have moved me in some way. For this, I will be forever grateful.
A sweet and slow goodbye to November.
A screen shot of all the locations that have visited my blog here this morning. You are all so cute! Ciao, whoever you all are! :)
Babbled by
6:57 AM
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
And locomotive is the breast,
the grind, the "every things"--
the [eternal] rising
and collap-
like white linen
in the wind.
Babbled by
7:03 AM
comments to Cher
Friday, November 23, 2007
What is held softly through autumn eyes
(Image is one I took last autumn)
What is held softly through autumn eyes
(Thoughts after a night of poetry--how admiration/amore should be or become.)
Here in rain stripped views, we place our soft hands into the sand;
an applause before reckless descent like a white egret before the water. Time spent on one trace, one object, where we live and dream in our very own pool of reality or reason. Here we have a place to experiment, a tongue to the tongue, the sea, our tutor.
And within these lines are contemporary images of a girl and a boy, invited to consider all that matters to them-- buoyant on the blue, finger to finger, we hold each other as the sun might grasp the day.
A generous definition striving to create prose--the proper setting for this would be on the beach or perhaps in the dark, crouched, hidden from distance,...and oh, the ache.
Others may divulge the full cache in some other method, laying claim to a heart that swells to the pound of splinter or digesting of flesh that becomes disquieting through-out the years--imposing what we call art. But we scream from balconies of contrasting skies, wishing, envisioning future stroke of lip to the touch to the heat--what is ours if only for awhile.
We are utterly beautiful, solid, and exquisitely intact.
Tender reader, I adore you.
Quiet to quiet, the mouth hole becomes naught, a ship's sail, where we float for hours--nothing to say or not needing to speak.
The horizon is terribly intense. Are we ideal?
One cannot change or translate it; stating rationale seems to signal compelling composition, but we could never blister what lies in our palms--thus is affection. We may not move exactly as directed, but we construct patterns and patterns of poetry that identifies us as star-crossed, influential.
If what is brilliant in our eyes strikes them as too sodden, then they have in no way held butterflies in the throat, bursting to the point of provocation or death, where just one kiss would ignite them to fiery hues of blues and greens like the colors of the ocean as a whole: a provocative anthology, a classic love anecdote;
dazzling scopes like a brush of eyelash against the cheek, the sand, the globe; explorations of the body that lead to the ideal summer that rests just outside the psyche or only exists when two people can imagine clear of the seen.
And like gentle stars, language, and love, our bond defies the laws of solemnity; we are above and beyond what one could ever envision. We are joie de vivre, with a touch of blemish that keeps the madness at bay.
But without flaw, one cannot experience the fork in the road that leads to subtle waters; he or she would tread the precise path-- never learning of anything more.
Babbled by
8:55 AM
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On Days Such as This
(An image of mine.)
This Love,... the love between my miracle and I, is everything that
I have ever hoped for in Life. This Love, gave me wings.
Please let be forever young and graceful, surrounded by miracles.
Incredible and beautiful,.. a life near you. This Love,...
... one miracle more, in Heaven.
On Days Such as This
We walk in the rain,
hearts set deep
in the surreptitious
of the forest.
We cross fern with
footfall, tongues
out of range--
eyes like rivers
that cling to their
And this
and that
and this
It is accurate
the heat (of you
on me),
with(out) intricacy
it is composition;
the boat's siren at
noon, its cry strung
out across
boughs, milkless,
claiming hands
as twisted as tension,
uncrossing / crossing
releasing a softer
language in late autumn.
Babbled by
8:32 AM
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
San Francisco Dreams
A graphic I made :)
And another:
I am not very good with Photoshop CS, but I am trying to learn. :)
p.s. sometimes I dislike the way my eyes pose in images; I look like I am looking up at God. Trust me, he sees my bratty ways, and I would rather only look up at certain times! ;)
Babbled by
6:40 AM
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Cher - My birthday
Victor sent a beautiful singing "Happy Birthday" with flute. :)
JoJo, Mark, and a few others sent greeting cards. I will have to open them after class! :)
Martin made me the cutest image. Dawn made things. (I will post them tonight.) I have not even seen Dawn's things yet! xo
Hi Cher,
happy birthday and all the best to you. I hope you have a great day and all your wishes become true. 1,000 warm hugs to you
I'm showering you with imaginary presents. Dreams that you feel beautiful and elated, a zeppelin of heart and curiosity. I love you a couple days past forever's expiration,
Buon compleanno! Joyeux anniversaire! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! feliz cumpleaños! yom huledet sameakh! felix sit natalis dies! Happy birthday Cher!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
carissima Cherilyn, ti auguro un bellissimo compleanno !
All the people around you are very lucky, I mean your friends, family, patients... You have a magnificent heart. It shines all around you, and through Flickr your aura spreads all around the planet, I am very happy to have you as a friend.
Feliz Cumpleanos amiga =) and we all not always make the right choices but at least we can give our best and is you and how you grow from your own, Leave life, enjoy life is a gift, no regrets, make the best of all is what makes you YOU, is what makes me ME... =) Cheers
aw yeah days alive
like this are lovely poetic
mindful art
at play i know yes
i know
a whole planet full of eyes and thought
and mouths to feed feels not
big and beyond imaginative sharing one
single moment after
another real ever present one with
you on flickr or even at times
this PLuTo dear
scorpio of blessed
HaPPy biRTHdaY ! !
thank you cher for the smile! happy birthday my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is for you dear cher:
So, it's your Birthday, Cher...
TANTI AUGURI A TE - E LA TORTA PER ME... (così abbiamo cantato quando eravamo ragazzi) Hope you'll have a great day full of celebration, family, friends, sparkling presents and love. Wish you all the best my friend
Grazie cara Cher... ti invio un grosso bacio dall'Italia...SMACK
Hi Cher! :):)
It's 1:19 a.m. my time, so I am wishing you HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY
already!! :) I love you ~ I love you ~ I love you ~ I love you!!!!!!!!!
I just put the video I made for you along with 2 pics over on my blogspot and in 41 minutes I will be running as fast as I can back to LD to start loving-up your page!!! :D I actually up'd your video to LD the night before last and have been so eXcited to put it on your page!!
I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much my bestest friend EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Cher,
sorry I missed your birthday yesterday... I had put it in my calendar a while ago, but from being so busy and my mind on other things yesterday, I seem to have overlooked that. So: Happy belated Birthday from me! Hope, you had a pleasant day and got to celebrate a bit (with lots of Caramel Cappucino, I hope ;-))
Happy Birthday
Sono le 23.54 e leggo solo ora che è il tuo
compleanno........ quindi sono ancora in tempo per farti
tanti tanti auguri.
n.b. spero che prima o poi mi darai qualche dritta su come
fare qualche fotografia bella come le tue
Un abbraccio
Un très bon Anniversaire Cher !
Some sweet things here:
(Excuse the warning--the only thing sexual
there is a Madonna video. ;))
Hey you,
I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday Cher. I hope your day is filled with all the smiles and love you deserve.
Hello brat :D
I'm no good poet, and I don't wanna hurt your ears with my singing, so I picked one of my holiday pictures to congratulate you. On the Dominican Republic I booked a helicopter flight, that was so much fun.
Amongst other things, the pilot flew over this coral reef, where some corals were shaped like two hearts. These two hearts, beating next to each other in the eternal ocean, I wanna dedicate them to you :)
Enjoy your day, bella! May it be filled with warmth, love, smiles and laughter. I am so glad to have you in my life.
Happy Birthday!
Forever and always,
Hi Cherilyn. It is after midnight here in Iceland so your birthday has officially started here :) I wish you a happy birthday, surrounded by the people you love. I hope your future will be wonderful and that you get to enjoy some of the happiness you have given to others. You havebeen a fantastic friend, you are a beautiful person and you will hold a very special place in my heart for ipernity.
All the best, Oddur
Hi Cher, I just discovered that today is your Birthday! You are a scorpion like me! ;-)))) I was born on the 10th of November. HAPPYBIRTHDAYANDBUONCOMPLEANNO!!! ;-)***
You are so good that you can take beautiful pictures always and everywhere. You have a "great eye". Have a nice and peaceful day
P.S.: I knew "cheeky" ;-)
happy birthday
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the gift of your birth. You have shared so much of your soul through the many great talents you possess it leaves one awed and inspired to follow your example. I send only great wishes and a whispered kiss upon the wind. I pray it finds your cheek and warms your heart. Happy birthday Cher; you are and have always been my inspiration.
I see in my inbox that there are Birthday cards waiting too. :)I will add more wishes after class. :) I have not gone to Live Digital or Ip yet. Grazie a tutti! Cher
p.s. some personal words I kept to myself and only posted parts of the greeting here. :)
Some more images as gifts (grazie):
This last one from Dawn, it is so beautiful. She is such a wonderful best friend. :)
Babbled by
5:49 AM
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Friday, November 16, 2007
"When the rain is pouring down, and my heart is hurting, you will always be around, this I know for certain..." Alicia Keyes
Babbled by
3:30 AM
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Thoughts scatter
My night was dream-filled, yet I awoke with a strange lingering fear; what if my heart is a cannibal? What if it has layers and layers of tiny bones, the many victims of my inability to let go, or rather, the ghosts of all of those that have tried before to reach my soul, but never made it in.
How do I stop it from happening again? Shall I string my life with seashells and wear them resignedly as memory?
To answer a question, yes, I do dance alone and I eat chocolate ice-cream s l o w l y, from a long silver spoon, while sitting upon the edge of the sea. The moonlight dances against the reflection, a tango of shimmering lights, fighting with one another for attention. I dip my long, bare legs into the liquid, my nightgown falling into a puddle of disarray between my knees. The coolness of the water helps me to not feel the hiss of the arid night time air, my toes are brightly painted and blurred.
The portion of leg that is under water seems so distanced from the rest of me. I stare at it trying to make sense of the muted shapes. The colored toenails are electric blue eyes staring back at me. I have only two choices pull out or slide in. So, I gently place the bowl of melting ice cream down and slip into the water.
The chill causes an immediate shiver and my white linen nightdress swirls around my head like a halo of water lilies. I dive back under the water shedding my nightgown, breaking free of sound, weight and g-r-a-v-i-t-y.
Beneath the glittering skin of the wetness, I am me; it is the return to freedom, the water womb from whence we all came. I slice through the cool blueness and resurface farther out. My nightdress still floating, closing and opening silently like the mouth of a clam.
I can see the ripples of where I once was, I can touch where I am, I can go back or I can go under, there are steps that lead out, but none that go deeper. This is the whole of the ocean trying to fit into a puddle.
The world can not contain me, I can not even contain myself. I think I am overflowing.
So, send me an echo, send me intrigue, because everything tastes like poetry, where suddenly where ever I look, there are fireflies dancing around my wet body.
I am content, I think. At least in this one moment within the place I always long to be.
Babbled by
3:00 AM
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Notes kept on the tongue
(Image is one I took last year)
(After reading "At Last" By, Elizabeth Akers Allen)
In his eyes I am grace –
a heart fashioned in the light
of the sun.
In his palm I am an angel, my wings:
white lace in rivers, weak in-between
days, flutter-less if only for the moment,
if only for the second it takes for my
walls to collapse beside him.
And I slip like summered fruit into his
giving fingers. Together, hand in hand,
we walk the hours caught between us.
His breath, my gravity as we move
from city to sand.
I am utterly on fire.
And I do not have to say it,
but there is no place that I would
rather be.
He cradles my sadness and all four horizons
shift into orchestrated blue--the wind,
a trumpet beneath the sky.
Excited in our coming, it draws him
to his knees. He whispers “You’re beautiful.”
Scattered seas unfasten and we wash away.
Babbled by
9:45 AM
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I am sending warm hugs out to all my friends and visitors. :) I hope your day/evening/night is full of smiles and laughter. :)
Babbled by
9:35 AM
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Look at me! (I'm NOT Sandra Dee!) ;)
Ok, Sandra Dee is the girl from the movie "Grease". She was sweet, pure, and innocent. Most girls (not all) dislike the "good girls". Most other girls dislike the "nasty girls". I understand this. What I never have understood is, why some girls feel they have to show their body and talk nasty to get attention. This one girl even kisses herself in the mirror! What is with that?
I am not like that.
The thing is, I get the same amount of attention. The attention I receive is different,... respectful. Should I post my cleavage everywhere? My bare bottom? No chance. I was not raised like that.
Sure some of it is art. I understand that. And I am not a prude. Being Italian and a Scorpio, I can be very, very passionate and sexy. I adore romance, hot kisses, the scent of the skin, the mouth! But you just have to know where and when to be that way. And it is better to be a lady in public, for the most part. :)
Should we women hunt down nude men? Why? I, for one, think they look funny nude! :o (haha)
Sophia, she is tasteful and beautiful. Why is she different? She does not say bad things. She does not act bad. She always acts like a lady, even while preparing to make love in a movie. That makes her even more sexy, I think.
Anyway, that is my 2 cents on the subject. I like being smart. It beats being beautiful any day.
Babbled by
8:54 AM
1 comments to Cher
I adore candy corn! MMmmm... :D
Hmm... not much to say today--been very busy. I am finishing up a paper for school, eating Mike and Ike's "Tangy Twister", but just bit into a raspberry one, and my skin shuddered. (I dislike raspberry.) I also have Lemonheads (mmm--love Lemon), and 3 pieces of tropical Starburst! ;) So, that sums up my morning. (Haha! Sounds funny to eat such things so early, yea?) Well, when you are in the medical field, you eat all sorts of things, at all sorts of times. And cappuccino is a must! I work best wired. ;)
Anyway, my tooth is a bit better. I cannot believe I cut my gum with my nail. Sigh. Oh, I need to say goodbye now; I have an idea for a new post (a rant of sorts). ;)
Oh, and by the way, I just cut my tongue on a lemonhead candy! (Do not ask!) Sigh. :o
Babbled by
8:30 AM
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
If Only I Had Known
My grace shifts from sand to sea,
a sequence of shattered suns fallen
& burning bright on the coldest of
a November morning.
In acquiescence, my lips set between
the teeth like coral; skeletons of
falsehood wedged in eddies, where
everything is muffled black like
the distant language of a vaulted
Babbled by
12:31 AM
1 comments to Cher
Monday, November 12, 2007
warmth and sunshine
What a long weekend. I was so moody, elusive, spent. I have an infection in my wisdom tooth. I was looking at it the other day, and somehow my fingernail slid down and tore the gum pretty bad. Eh, so now it is so swollen. I am antibiotics, but it raised my blood sugar levels. When your levels are high, it is hard to fight infection. When you have an infection, your levels rise. Seems to be a no win situation.
The other day my blood sugar was in the 40's. I am borderline, so I need to be careful. Anyway, this weekend, being high level, it mixed my mood into a sort of sadness and emptiness. Even elusive at times. And when my levels start to lower, I cannot stay awake, so I have to sleep it off. I need to take better care of myself, but I get so distracted and busy. I am headstrong at times, I suppose. ;)
(Forgive me for being so elusive and moody. I never meant to be.)
I have school today, but I think I am going to get better antibiotics instead. I feel a bit ill. I will not mess my grades if I miss school. In fact, I do not think I have ever missed school. Obviously this need to be cared for. My blood sugars are usually controlled. I do not usually need medication, but I do for my tooth. (I cannot believe how I cut it open!) Silly me.
On the ill list (a cold bug), is Martin. (Well, he is better, but I wish him a complete state of health.) :)
Well, my birthday is in 8 days. (Yes, a Scorpio, water sign, possible brat at times! ;)) But I wonder what I have done noteworthy this year. I do not think I did too much. The year has flown by. I really wish next year to be eventful and happy. I hope to do more volunteer work, give more smiles, love more, do random acts of kindness, and feel loved. :)
I think I will drape myself in the warmth and sunshine of my beloved friends. I am so blessed. I will never forsake that. As always, the ones that I mentioned my mood to, were there right away to comfort me. I am grateful, indeed. (((HUGS)))
They move like angels around me.
Babbled by
12:37 AM
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
I dream conscious intentions
Your mouth excites me, it must be the words that you long say. I ache to taste tender lip, playfully biting, tugging at the flesh, until your will is no longer your own.
Babbled by
4:58 AM
1 comments to Cher
He is beauty, strength,
and alluring--
he knows his worth!
Unfolding before me, he holds
the promise of tomorrow.
Oh, to be his only lover!
Snow lights bathe in his scent,
positioning him toward me.
And I will bind him in warm
embrace, taste [fleshmouth]
lips, and tranquility--
expose myself to him softly
beneath this storm.
Babbled by
4:45 AM
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In the shape of perplexity
Consider performance—
impromptu gestures that cling
to the skin like poetry or a lover,
an explosion of sorts.
The voice only exists in the palm of
an Etruscan or a traditional praetexta—
sequenced along the waist of white wool,
a hard language on the tongue.
In the pages of a journal, a girl writes
of admiration; threadbare fingers that
move like waves against the text—an acute
sense of place, a poignant thought
that brushes the resistance of the skull.
Canto built-up and returned to the sea.
None of this is simple: unobtrusive,
not a word or grain of sand out of
position— unscathed lips, a painting.
or drawing—art that suppresses art.
But notes scattered in the wind speak
of an instance of oratory, a boy with
eyes like stars...
an all too obvious ache set deep within
them. And the very shape — the color of
his heart, brilliant—breaking distance
that pulls the light to Autumn.
And beyond the softness in her writing,
lies tolerant eyes—they seal the only
cavity absent in her journal with hope
and the warmth of converging again.
Babbled by
3:59 AM
comments to Cher
In the Deep of High Tide
If I were beauty, I would offer him
my hand. But I am maritime, stirred,
stolen, sodden. He shapes photographs
onto my spine, leaves winter in my hands.
It is caress, a sweetened kiss to my lip.
And on the sand, against his heart, lies
a letter—notes fashioned with fingers
of admiration. Thoughts never sent, but
left to turn softly in the wind.
I am his butterfly.
My skin, a symphony—sometimes tepid,
but forever busy with sun-lit stars.
Thumb-sized and helpless, they glisten
in his eyes. And I give to his heart,
not my hand, but the impulse to open,
exist, to linger in this salty air,
while I tremble like wind and tide,
seeking words of my own,
but they do not come.
Babbled by
3:46 AM
1 comments to Cher
In Lost Places
(After reading Francesco Petrarch)
It feels terribly November--implausible.
I carry broken beads from a rosary, and black and white photographs, to remind me that I have stood outside your imaginary cathedral--never entering. The shadows pick up pace. Siding with the sea, they stitch our eyes to the horizon temporarily, where we are held by blinding salts and circumstance. If for a moment we join hands, perhaps together we can burn.
Babbled by
3:40 AM
1 comments to Cher
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Father & Son
Point Reyes (South Beach), California. There is something so symbolic in a father and son relationship. the son, so eager to spend some time with his father. The father, although at times quiet, is feeling very proud at the moment (you can sense it in the moment of silence).
I remember the day I took this image,... I felt so much peace there. I adore the sea. Sigh. :)
Babbled by
2:19 AM
1 comments to Cher
*Without hesitation, I would crawl into the depths of his eyes, rake the curve of his spine in Italian. And with ardent movement, tongue pearls against his insides.
*It is art--lovely and moving. How beautiful your words, from the sweetened balcony of your heart to the balance in your footfall.
*I am not patience. I am a hundred European lovers, a thousand rhythms or rhyme. I am a million sunlit mornings after rain--I am the orchard.
*Oh, how the light your eyes reflects inside of me. And with each new day, I need you even more--a pleasure so vast, it flickers on my skin.
*When we stand before each other, the day will last forever. We will make love like Neruda; flesh becoming warm, the evening, or the memory of rainfall.
*Like Neruda, I will fashion fine love poetry between tender fingertips. I will place this gift at your feet in admiration.
*I leave the lamp lit when I sleep, for a boy in the fields. His hands wet like winter, will find their way to my [warm] breast.
Babbled by
1:50 AM
comments to Cher
There is no one like you, nor will there ever be anyone who could compare to you. My heart has been completely captivated, from the first moment of existence of our friendship. I knew right then, you were my "meant to be" FOREVER BEST FRIEND. I am wrapped up in you, and I do not want to be unraveled. Your love is every sunrise and sunset. When I wake it is your love that I awaken to and it carries me through my day and it lays me down at night, whispering you will always keep me safe. Through the storms that rise, you are right there, you are my calm.
You warm me when I feel cold. In weakness, you show me strength. Among sadness, you bring forth joy. I find myself blessed to have walked through the door of your love. Life is a voyage, one in which a single person cannot prepare for; but I know that through this journey it is you that I must have by my side. Happiness is however one decides to define it, and my full depth definition of it is, YOU, my best friend. Love is a book and our hearts are the pages, and my heart is filled with every moment that you have shown me that you have loved me. On sunlit pages I began writing this letter, for my love shines forth from the depths of my soul. Everything before me, your love touches and every beam radiates beautiful you. Love is a place one cannot fully explain, but to that place I will always take you. It is your love that gives my heart wings, and it is only by your LOVE that I truly soar. My love I give to you, not a mere portion, for I give it all. God placed me beside you, and forever that is where I will stand. I love you, Cher.
Love your best friend always,
She made me the collage too. I had to share, because her heart is so beautiful. I have tears now and it is a bit hard to see, but I need to write this. I am so grateful for the people in my life (you know who you all are). I think the words she left here can spin softly through my close circle of friends. I think they are the sun,... the beautiful ones. I only shine from the wondrous light they give as a whole. All of them, around me, is like an angel's song in Autumn. I am merely the onlooker.
Babbled by
1:40 AM
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Friday, November 09, 2007
An image I took in Carmel, California. If you have never been, I highly recommend going. I am done with my blog for the day... I never had a lot to say anyway, just taking a break from my studies. Have a fun and safe Friday. Cher
Babbled by
5:38 AM
comments to Cher
On Admiration and Acceptance
On Admiration and Acceptance
It is the way it holds clever, paired—structure and sentiment
portraying themselves in poetry, an eyelash to the eyelash—
subtle, uncertain. Or a fiber of word that enters the vein with
the option of resurfacing on its back, where we remember
how to breathe, but the lungs insist on gasping.
With no beginning or end, it seems to last forever, clinging to
the chest like a faint goodbye along platform lanterns, where
liquid has smoothed itself quietly onto the features and the eyes,
where colors weaken to blue.
It is the way one suffers today—a peel from the divider, a slide
downward as the scents of lavender press into the curtain, and
the hands glide to the fabric, stitch the softness into skin.
Occasionally it is solitude that sets the scene like a rupture in the
center of the stomach that separates stern indiscretions, places
naught to assemble in the palm. It is a tragedy that settles at the
a burrowing into devotion, grinding letter and love to fractions of
a paper lily. The lily then set to the rivulet, where it would moisten
and collapse beneath cloud. And one can observe as it enters the
dark like an infant candela or firefly—
its flicker bit by bit, failing.
Babbled by
5:23 AM
1 comments to Cher
After All
After Reading, "Thinking, Tangling Shadows".
Neruda’s poems are resolute, devoted,
state-of-the-art. Language between
fingertips, softened—each detail,
facet to facet flushed from stone.
Relations, curves of the body stroking
felt line–by–line, a radiant performance,
where we move the extent of syllable,
shiver beside speech.
Because the body invites, because you
can only read the backcloth of verse
inside the skull and the roots of
purpose rise, exit your chest knotted,
and settle into your hands that open like
essential alters in expectation of more.
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5:21 AM
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Feels like falling today. Actually it is hard to explain. It is not a bad falling, but it is a frightening one. I am happy inside. I know that was a random statement, but it was what crossed my mind at the moment.
I actually came here to post some things Dawn made for me. They are so adorable. She really makes my heart smile.
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4:19 AM
1 comments to Cher
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
An image I took. I adored the scene so much. Victor helped me enhance it the other day (Thank you! :)). I think it looks great. There is nothing changed, but the enhancement. Everything is pretty much how it looked.
Well, another season is moving out. I feel as if Autumn paused a moment and then ran from the scene. I adore the season. I love the scents and colors very much. The leaves are so precious. They bring life to my heart, even though they are dying. It is bittersweet.
I feel good today. My arms are full of goosebumps, because it is chilly here. But not a big deal. :) I have studied all night, and my mind does not feel tired, but alert, contemplative. I am listening to "You", by Evanescence. I adore her slower songs, like Good Enough, Hello, and of course, You. I suppose it is because of the piano. I miss my piano so much. (I had to give it away when I moved--too large.) I have my keyboards and can select "piano", but it is not the same.
Today will be a good day. I do have work, but I enjoy that. I have a meeting too. After that, I am free to relax. (I should catch up on email.) Anyway, I hope you have a beautiful day. :)
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1:43 AM
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Winter Wonderland
My sweet friend (one of my best friends), Martin made this for me. I adore it.
I love making snowmen. There is a sadness in Winter, a quiet feeling that can burn through the flesh, leaving goosebumps along your spine. It is a feeling that can drive one mad. I think that is why hot cocoa was invented; it brings smiles and warmth to re-cheeked people that are out and about. They scurry to gather Christmas gifts: snowboard the hills, ski the slopes, have snowball fights, and so much more. Yes, a hot cup of cocoa can be quite charming. ;)
When I look at this image, I see happiness. I see a beauty that is soft. The colors are unforgettable,... just like the way he is always there for me. I am grateful.
I like adding entries or odes to my friends that are close at heart. Martin is no exception. He is so wonderful and fun! He is precious to me, and such a fantastic friend. He is a great listener, funny, talented, and warm. Martin is someone you need in your life. Hugs to him!
I asked Dawn to make friends with Martin, Jo, and Victor. I did this, because I think it is such a good thing, and it can only enhance their lives; having each other as friends is my way of sharing their beauty, and along with it, they have warmth from each other. I am happy in my heart to know she did this. She is one of my best friends (as you know), and well, it just makes me smile. :)
I really have such great friends. I know I mention this a lot, but I am just so proud of them all in different ways. I am truly surrounded by angels.
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1:33 AM
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Mediterranean nights
Mediterranean nights
When ocean’s mist shudders against
the horizon, we lie like lions on
the sand--our hands warm in the view
of tomorrow.
Down beside the crag, out past the blue,
the gulls move within dreams of living
and luminosity, chest to softened chest
like lovers before a first kiss.
An alternate world, as if we they were
held together through a string of clouds,
suspended like a heart in love or the scent
of infant rainbows after a gentle rain.
Gone to imminent dusk are colors, left
are silhouettes that seem to stutter
in the tide, then settle brilliant
in the light of the new moon.
In the midst of it all, nothing else
stirs; there are no harsh winds to falter
our view. And nothing shatters the silence,
when the petals we pluck descend.
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1:04 AM
comments to Cher
Friday, November 02, 2007
An image I took of my niece and her daddy. :) I adore how everyone is my family is so warm and loving to all. Makes my heart smile. :)
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5:46 AM
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Moody Mix ;)
"Sometimes I don't say the right things, to make you love me even more than you do..." Just Jack
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5:12 AM
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Don't be surprised
Don't be surprised
(After reading Pablo Neruda)
It was bound to happen.
For days the ache lay at the door;
an intractable silhouette that refused
to slip away.
I step outside, stand beside the autumn
leaves. I dream a dream of kissing you
amid the moist air. Is it only a dream?
If not, then what?
Because it is here in the traces of
footfall that I imagine you.
Your hands gather mine, place them
to chest, where everything burns,
where each second is counted--
where the eyes glisten along the path.
In this November of my life, the voice
knows not of language--a circle of sound
like an echo, subtle in the mouth.
With cool hands, I button my coat
and I walk the distance of your smile.
I consider the words of
Pablo Neruda, and by the same shore,
I would end my journey, place roots
within his, lie quiet, and await
you to discover me.
If your heels drag in season, and you
cannot reach me--if your heels drag
in season, and you could never reach
me, the sea breeze would shatter my
form, the dream would fade away.
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4:32 AM
1 comments to Cher
Radiohead - Nude
"Language is a weird and wonderful thing. You jump in head-first, once you begin to read, even when you no longer need a dictionary, or when you feel a word's meaning by its sound, like a blind man touching the edge of a coin. But some of the words you might use, the big ones - love, happiness, sorrow - these can remain abstract for years, even if you don't know it.
And then one day, something will happen, something will get you - or someone will touch you suddenly, like a thorn coming by chance under your sleeve to graze your skin; and then you are changed, and you find you have to go back to your vocabulary, and think. You have to redefine the word 'beautiful', because everything is new, and even though you thought you knew where you were before, your emotional map is upside down. And it feels glorious."
-The Torture Garden
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3:26 AM
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