Sunday, November 25, 2007


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And locomotive is the breast,
the grind, the "every things"--
the [eternal] rising
and collap-

like white linen
in the wind.

2 comments to Cher:

Anonymous said...

Thank you my friend for coming into my life, for sharing your time with me, for just being you. You are an extraordinary woman, of which the world should stop and take notice.

Everywhere you are is where everyone wants to be. You are a light that has shined so deeply upon the lives of so many, darkness has no place to hide. You are all things wonderful to me. You my friend, are the true meaning of beautiful.

I love you kitten, thank you for allowing me the honor to call you friend. Have a most excellent day, and remember, no matter where you are or what's happening at the time, you my beautiful Cher, are truly loved.


Anonymous said...

How lucky I was to find such a friend as you, you have re-kindled my love for art thru your poetry and photography. Your inspiration has lightened my heart and allowed my mind to soar, this has brightened my life in so many ways... thank you Cher, a better friend one could not wish for...

Love, Billy


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