Friday, September 07, 2007


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I wanted to have a smile around. ;) finchè c'è vita c'è speranza, si? ;)

it is funny how so many think I look sad in some of my images. it is not that at all. in fact, I usually just look when my photo is being snapped. someone yells. "hey brat" and naturally, I am going to look, yea? ;)

here is a little something for today...

The Consequences of a Night Out

I stretch towards desert
highways, a hardship built
to suit.

The whites of his eyes
finger my curves,
my worth.

The stench fills my lungs
and I fall into silence
for clarity.

I feel the wind turn,
the round of my nipples
become enlarged,

I strike a match
and all that mattered
is not!

He asks my name,
my lips curl in modesty,
I look away.

They say, "Never try
to forget what you
are destined to remember...

(I never was one
for bottlenecks
and substitution.)

A lonely guitar peels
away in the aftermath
as I brush off advances

with gasoline. And there
are no mirages here
in the west;

the sun
scorches his memory,
his wintered hands.

* I wrote this in 2002, I think.

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